“That Story Lady”

Angela Scott, Author – Storyteller – Ventriloquist

Archive for the ‘Self Improvement’ Category

Listening With My Eyes – Watching an Elephant Stand Beside the Still Water

February 5, 2010

After attending an early morning church service, we found ourselves walking in the midst of an afternoon so beautiful, it almost took my breath away.

Basking in the warm sunshine beneath the clear blue sky, something told me it was too early in February for such a warm day in the middle of winter. I knew this was a moment of serendipity.

It was a warm, sunny Sunday afternoon in February last year when we visited the North Carolina Zoo in Asheboro. With my digital camera in hand, I plotted my strategy to photograph the statuesque giraffes. Much to my surprise, the elephants captured my undivided attention.

Two elephants began walking toward us. One elephant walked beside the water and began drinking. The other elephant walked alongside the border of trees farther away from us but still within clear sight.

Right before my eyes, the elephant positioned himself parallel with the water as he drank. It was almost as if he saw his reflection in the water. It was surreal because the stillness of the water revealed a mirror image of the elephant.

Stepping back from the small crowd, I positioned my digital camera to capture the entire reflection of the elephant as it stood beside the still water. Professional photographers near me were busy snapping photographs; however, I am certain I received a gift the others may have overlooked.

On our way home, we stopped by the neighborhood photo kiosk to process a few prints because I wanted to see if the moment of serendipity in my memory would accurately reflect what I had seen.

Details of the photograph temporarily confused me because it was difficult to discern if I was holding the photograph right side up or down. The reflection was flawless. A temporary moment captured in the photograph gave me a first hand taste of the visual spice of life.

Even though I took the photograph, I could hardly believe what I saw. It is almost as if I had been listening with my eyes. Reeling in the the thrill of holding such a beautiful scene, I felt compelled to share the photograph.

The third time I shared the photograph of the elephant, it was with a new friend I met while attending a workshop for the workplace. She said, “You have to get this photograph in the hands of someone at the zoo.” It sounded like a great idea.

With a smile on her face, my new friend said she had met a fellow from the zoo just one day prior to our meeting. They had met at the same facility where the workshop was held. He had given her an extra business card, which she gave to me. “Call him,” she said.

My new friend at the North Carolina Zoological Society asked if I would donate a framed print of the elephant to their annual auction, which was quite an honor for me, an amateur photographer.

The photograph of the elephant was originally framed so the memory could be given away; however, later on I decided to have a gallery wrap, a 16″ x 20,” made for my own enjoyment. Released from the frame, the elephant looked free as he stood in peace by the still water, a visual buffet for the eyes.

A few weeks ago I heard someone say, “All elephants are gray but not all gray things are elephants.” The experts were right. A picture is worth a thousand words.



Angela Scott is an author who diligently works to encourage and inspire you, and those with whom you live and work to continually find hope.

“Live your life as an exclamation, not an explanation.”

All writings here are copyrighted by Angela Scott. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.

Framed For Success and Bound For Freedom

December 22, 2009


She was framed, but it was for a good cause. Her college graduation picture summed up the story of years of determination and hard work. For one of her birthday presents, I framed her picture of achievement. That precious moment is now displayed in the center of her bedroom.

Thinking about how to further emphasize her accomplishment as a college graduate, I asked if she would like her diploma framed in an official university frame. She said, “Yes!” So, my husband and I purchased the classic and official frame after three visits to the university bookstore.

“Today I am doing something that an educational expert told me several years ago could not be done. In a parent/teacher conference, her guidance counselor essentially told me my daughter was not capable of achieving a college diploma.” The expression on the manager of the bookstore spoke the shock I had felt when I first heard those words.

It has been eight years since that conference but I remember with clarity the recommendation of that guidance counselor, “It would be better to guide your daughter away from classwork required for a high school diploma and work toward a vocational degree instead of a college degree…”

Angered by the recommendation of her guidance counselor, I knew my daughter had a dream and a vision for her life. I decided to help her achieve the dream of earning a four year degree, as well as position her for a successful career. This year was the culmination of a major investment in her life as well as mine. We both learned things we never anticipated and achieved things beyond our expectations.

My daughter has been framed numerous times: birthdays, Thanksgiving, Christmas, vacations, barbeques, and family gatherings. Convinced she is bound for success, I am thankful she was framed.

Rosita Perez, author of “The Music is You,” spoke about an expert who had made a similar but generic recommendation. Rosita followed the expert’s directions with the hopes of achieving a particular goal; however, she found herself in quite a dilemma. However, she was determined to achieve her goal. My daughter is a lot like Rosita. I have heard Mrs. Perez declare, “There is no stopping a motivated woman!”

Perhaps a good reminder for all of us is a proverb from Zambia, “A good wind is no use to a sailor who doesn’t know his direction.”

Focused and motivated, my daughter knew her direction and achieved insurmountable obstacles. My friend, Rosita accomplished her goal but also learned recommendations of experts can often be inadequate, myopic and mediocre.


All writings here are copyrighted by Angela Scott. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.

How a Bad Debt Created Good Jobs – Coconuts, Cash and a Creative Thought

December 16, 2009


I admit I was curious yesterday when I saw the picture in the October 1945 issue of “The Country Gentleman” magazine. That’s why I had to read the article.

I learned Mr. Franklin Baker had shipped a lot of flour to Cuba and then waited months to be paid for it. However, the payment he received was a shipload of coconuts rather than cash. He did not expect coconut souvenirs.

In the picture, he held a hammer in one hand and a portion of a coconut in his other hand. The woman standing on the other side of the table held a portion of a coconut in one hand and held a cloth in her other hand. Newspapers were opened and spread on the table in between them with large chunks of coconut strewn out as well. On the floor lay a large open burlap bag filled with coconuts that had spilled at their feet.

After attempting to sell the coconuts at open markets, he found he was stuck with the dilemma of possessing a product no one wanted to buy.

However, after Mr. Baker opened the coconut, he was inspired with an idea to save time for cooks who used fresh coconuts. He and his son decided to go into the business of opening coconuts. Their product provided an item that was ready to use in cakes, pies and puddings.

Mr. Baker risked every penny he had but he began the coconut business. Today we know his product as the successful and familiar “Baker’s Shredded Coconut.” His business grew from small to a sizable coconut product business and created jobs which contributed to making other jobs such as shippers, salesmen and accountants. Farmers also benefited from his creative thought to transform coconuts into a product which earned a lot of cash.

When I was young, I remember a similar picture in my mind of my mom and dad breaking coconuts open for cooking. Mom would bake a fresh coconut pie or a fresh coconut cake. An unforgettable mouth watering aroma filled our home like none I have recently smelled.

Intrigued that the coconut product created by Mr. Franklin Baker in 1895 is still serving us today in 2009, I felt compelled to share this history lesson I learned because a black and white picture placed at the top of the magazine page caught my attention.

While grocery shopping this afternoon, I decided to take a picture of Mr. Baker’s coconut product displayed in the baking aisle. As you can imagine, I was the only person taking pictures in the grocery store which caught the attention of several other people. Perhaps they thought I was a secret shopper and if so, they were right because I found the answer to a great secret in baking history.


All writings here are copyrighted by Angela Scott. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.

How I Learned to Begin an Old Thanksgiving Tradition Today

November 27, 2009

Reading an article in the waiting area recently while my car was being serviced, I found an article about Thanksgiving that described one way to enjoy the holiday that I had not previously thought about. Although the magazine was not familiar to me I eagerly read the article in the November 1947 issue of the “Country Gentleman,” which was only 62 years ago this month.

The author of the article spoke about her friend who would sit by the living room fireplace after the family settled down for the night to write a note of appreciation to the two or three people who had meant most to her during the year.

Her friend’s tradition evoked mental flashbacks in which she shared her own reflections of the happiest home she knew earlier in her life. The details she remembered such as the wintery Sunday afternoons gathered near the fireplace eating popcorn, apples, or fresh baked cookies and milk were vivid and detailed as if the experience had just occurred.

As I sat in that waiting area, I began thinking about the two or three people who meant the most to me this year. Although the article was written several years ago, I felt compelled to implement this old Thanksgiving tradition today.

One of my friends in the New England area is the first person who came to mind. We met at a ventriloquist convention two years ago but when we talk it doesn’t seem like any time has elapsed since we first met.

My second cousin is the next person who came to mind. We met face to face for the first time two years ago at a family reunion. Our friendship has grown exponentially in a short time.

My adopted mother is the next person who came to mind. Even though I am not adopted, I decided to adopt her as my second mom because she has prayed with me and encouraged me during an extremely challenging time in my life.

Of course, there are more than three people who have meant a great deal to me during this year; however, this short list will provide a good beginning point because there is a long list of people who have made a difference in my life.

Rosita Perez, author of the book, “The Music is You,” said she learned to give flowers to people she appreciated while they were alive instead of waiting until it was too late for them to smell the flowers. Before you go to sleep tonight, begin your new Thanksgiving tradition today.


All writings here are copyrighted by Angela Scott. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.

A Simple Math Education in Common Sense

November 18, 2009

A few years ago I registered for a class that promised to teach coupon clippers how to save more money. One of the first lessons taught in the class was to be observant and search for bargains in the back of the store. The instructor said, “Begin your search at the lowest rack on the shelf and finish with the top shelf after you’ve scanned all of the shelves.”

I remember those words of wisdom. Just a week ago I was shopping for office supplies and scanned the clearance shelf for hidden treasures at bargain prices. My eyes stopped on a box for custom stamps. The retail price was $19.99 and the clearance price was $11.50. As I read the contents of the kit and the directions, I was struck with the question, “Why are these stamp kits on the clearance shelf?”

My decision to purchase one box of twenty stamps was out of curiosity. Twenty stamps for $11.50 seemed like a reasonable price for 1st class postage. Instead of 44 cents per stamp, the cost would be 58 cents. It was a small price to pay for custom stamps where I could select one of my own photos as the face of the stamp.

With my laptop and stamp kit, I immediately went to work after I arrived home. When I typed in the promotional code for the kit and proceeded to the checkout page, the final price due was zero. The stamps I ordered were 44 cent stamps even though the kit indicated 42 cents. That’s when I realized why the stamp kits were in the clearance section. Apparently a quick decision had been made to clear out the old products and restock the shelves with new products.

Today when I mailed a package at the post office, I saw the same stamp kit for 20 stamps but this kit sold for $24.95. The only difference in the packages was the picture which represented 44 cent stamps instead of 42 cent stamps. It was the same product but twice as expensive as the first kit I found on the clearance shelf.

Needless to say I returned to the office supply store and immediately walked to the clearance section. I found five packages exactly like the package I purchased last week so I took immediate action and purchased all five packages. It was as if I had seen something that other people had overlooked.

You may be wondering why I would be willing to pay 58 cents for stamps when I can buy them for 44 cents. My reason is simple. The stamps I order will be my choice rather than standard post office stamps. I saw the idea and opportunity to create a unique product for a minimal investment.

Just a few days ago I read an article in a local newspaper, Words of Wisdom. One of the quotes caught my attention and my hope is that it will also cause you to think.

“Some people dream of success, while others wake up and word hard at it.” It seemed to be a generic statement upon first glance, however, as I thought about it I realized a deeper meaning.

Ideas and dreams are catalysts for opportunities. The question that remains is this one. Will you take the next step beyond where you are to think for yourself or will you be satisfied to let others think for you?


All writings here are copyrighted by Angela Scott. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.

Morning Confession About the Danger of Reading at Midnight

November 4, 2009


I read a lot, especially late at night when my mind races with ideas and opportunities. My college Chemistry professor recently sent a Christmas card to me so I called her. We had not spoken in over a year.

She told me about a book she thought I would enjoy reading. After she shared the author’s name, she told me the title of the book. I knew I’d never seen the book she recommended and I admit I wouldn’t have been interested in reading it based upon the title but she had captured my curiosity.

On my way home from work, I stopped by my favorite bookstore and ordered a copy of the book she had recommended.

It arrived in the mail on Friday last week and after dinner, I tore into the package. After reading only a few pages, I knew it was a good find.

Reading a chapter or two each night encouraged me, especially when sleep was elusive for me.

Only one night later and just a few minutes past midnight, my husband was either dreaming, talking in his sleep or he accidentally woke up.

“What are you doing?” he asked. I paused and swallowed hard. “How can I answer that question now in the stillness of the night while reading Living Successfully with Screwed Up People?” I silently thought and waited.

Once again he asked, “What are you doing?” This time he demanded a direct answer. “I’m reading a book,” I responded. Apparently dissatisfied with my response he asked another question. “What book?” Shocked at the coherency of his question in the middle of the night, I gulped.

“Oh, it’s just a book my Chemistry professor recommended for me to read.” Interested to complete the chapter, I returned to my book.

“What’s the name of the book?” he asked. Once again I swallowed with a gulp. “How could I tell him the name of the book I was reading?” I silently thought to myself. “How will he respond?” I confess. I would have gladly ignored his question so I paused once again.

Sitting in silence for an eternity of at least a minute or two, he asked again, “What’s the name of the book?” With great reluctance I mumbled, Living Successfully with … Screwed-Up People. Waiting for his response, I held my breath.

Silence returned as he dozed back to sleep. I wondered why he was so interested in knowing the name of a book I was reading, especially late at night. It’s routine for me to read several books simultaneously without being interrogated. But, never before had he been that interested in knowing the specific name of my reading material, especially when he was asleep.

I’m thankful I listened. He never mentioned the conversation and I didn’t bring up the topic, but I did finish reading the book.


All writings here are copyrighted by Angela Scott. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.

How the Fear of an Angel Saved My Life

October 13, 2009

Severe thunderstorms with torrential rain awakened us on March 23rd. Angel, our 4.6 pound miniature rat terrier, panicked. I thought she was going into shock from her fear of hearing the heavy rain pounding on the skylights in our home. Her body trembled from the tip of her head to the end of her tail, all ten inches of her frame.

In the kitchen, I found her anti-anxiety medication to relax her during stormy weather. Grabbing a can of E-Z cheese, I camouflaged Angel’s medication so I’d be certain she would relax. Besides, I needed to shower and get ready for work.

Angel refused the cheese she loved, but her fear was not unwarranted. If I had not been so preoccupied with preparations necessary for the day ahead, my own trepidation may have stalled me as well.

Inviting Angel to rest on the bed with my daughter before she needed to leave for school was one of Angel’s favorite things to do. They both loved to snuggle. My hope was to calm Angel but she was not the least bit interested in this option.

I warmed blankets in the dryer just like the hospitals do for patients after they have surgery, to comfort them. Placing the warm, fuzzy blankets on the bed, which previously enticed her to rest, held no attraction for Angel that day.

Perhaps she knew I wouldn’t give up offering her the camouflaged medication in the cheese from a can. After Angel accepted the medicine and cheese, I carried her in my arms with a blanket. She and I went to the couch. I hoped she would forget the booming thunderstorm overhead while I held her and comforted her in my arms. Although it seemed like an eternity, Angel finally rested her head on my arms.

“You’re going to be late for work,” my husband fussed. Although I consciously knew the time, Angel had several health issues during the nine years we’d adopted her into our family. We had been to the emergency veterinary hospital so often that the staff knew us on a first name basis. Those bills reminded me of the frequent medical visits required to care for her but that didn’t matter; I loved her.

When she relaxed, I did too. Zipping through a shower and dressing for work, I asked my daughter once again to watch our precious dog a few more minutes before she needed to leave the house. Angel was mischievous if left free to roam on her own so we always secured her in her dog crate which was partially filled with her favorite toys and blankets.

Confident now that Angel was calm; I was satisfied to leave the house for work.

I left our home for work about five minutes later than usual. As I approached the intersection near work, I saw the traffic snarled ahead of me. This particular road was the main route I traveled every work day.

I saw marked and unmarked police cars, flashing red lights, fire trucks, paramedics, vehicles, bystanders and concerned spectators. People were walking toward the ramp over the intersection in front of me. “What could have happened?” I thought to myself. What had happened that morning was confined to a small area.

I managed to peel away from the traffic snarl into a detour which meant I would arrive late for work just as my husband had predicted, five minutes to be exact. I remembered the snarl of traffic and wondered how I could have arrived at work as quickly as I did.

Work was hectic that morning. Two co-workers were out sick and the telephone rang continuously. When lunch time arrived, my boss asked if I heard that another fellow employee had been killed in the morning traffic accident. I gasped.

I overheard conversations in the cafeteria and realized the person was killed in the exact path I normally traveled. And I also learned a high school teenager had been killed as well. The more I listened, the more I realized the value of those five minutes I’d spent with Angel. Only a few hours earlier I’d worked to assuage the fear of my tiny Angel. Her fear saved my life that day. It’s a good thing I didn’t know how my life would be used only three months later to help save the life of my husband.



All writings here are copyrighted by Angela Scott. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.

How I Learned to Eat a Daily Slice of Pie

March 4, 2009

With a dictionary to my left and writing supplies on my right, I savored the time I like to call my daily slice of the pie. It is after 11:00 p.m. and it is finally quiet in the house except for the relaxing tick-tock of the grandfather clock my dad had given to me over twenty years ago.

Actually, Marilyn Ludolf is the friend who encouraged the students in her class at a women’s conference to claim a daily slice of the pie. Marilyn shared about the importance of enjoying a special time of the day which nourishes each day of life given to us.

I think of Marilyn Ludolf often. Her book entitled, “Freed by Faith” is one of the dearest books of encouragement in my home library. However, I first read about Marilyn Ludolf’s testimony of faith about six years ago in a Norman Vincent Peale book entitled, “How to Make Positive Imaging Work For You.”

Dr. Peale told about the power of steadfast faith in God, consistently relying on our privilege to listen and focus on God instead of ourselves. The immovable faith of Marilyn Ludolf exemplified her total trust in God’s will for her life.

As I sit in the living room of my home filled with ferns, peace lilies, bamboo and other plants, I am reminded of a weekend trip to the North Carolina coast a few years ago when I purchased a poster sized card with a verse from a book in the Bible. “Humbly accept the word of God planted in you, which can save you.”

Mrs. Ludolf planted words of encouragement in my heart, which grew into deep roots of faith. I hope you will prepare your heart so that you can receive the same gift of encouragement and hope I received.

An anonymous quotation seems appropriate as I think about eating a scrumptious slice or two of numerous pies my mom made for our family. “Eat it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without.” Good advice for all to heed especially when we recognize our daily slice of pie is oftentimes made of precious time.


Angela Scott


All writings here are copyrighted by Angela Scott. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.

Time Capsule in a Tin Can

February 25, 2009

In the middle of a 30 second cell phone conversation, I heard a beep and then silence. The battery died, I guess.

“Only a year ago, I paid 99 cents for this cell phone, new. I guess things made today just aren’t made like they used to be,” I thought. My sarcasm did not comfort me.

On my way home, I saw the battery store and checked on a replacement battery. The sales associate listened attentively even though it was only minutes before the close of posted business hours. “Only $37.95 for a new battery,” he said.

He must have seen the question on my mind because he began reporting an abbreviated but detailed summary about the steps to replace the dying battery. “This type of battery will be a special order. Besides, our orders have already been placed this week. The anticipated delivery date is approximately two weeks,” he said. My response, “Oh,” ended our conversation.

When I arrived home, I began an excavation of the console inside my car. I needed the automobile adapter for the cell phone. I needed a power source, in case of an emergency.

Just a few years ago, I experienced a similar situation. Returning to Duke Hospital for extensive tests on my husband’s newly transplanted heart, the only cell phone we owned failed to work because the battery died. That memory did not comfort me.

Beneath eleven CD’s inside the console, I found a straw and a silver tin, rectangular in shape with a heart and cross design on the lid. “What’s that?” I asked myself.

As the driver of the car 99% of the time, I knew I had buried the unlikely and unplanned version of a time capsule in a tin can in my car. Neither did I remember what was in the tin nor did I remember why I placed it in the car.

Eager to find out what I had forgotten I had hidden, I sat on the floor beside the coffee table and lifted the lid off of the box.

Inside the container, I found a wooden toothpick holder, two Bible verses I had clipped from a newspaper, one miniature mechanical pencil, a few antacid tablets and one of Theodore Roosevelt’s favorite quotes, “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.”

I found two more newspaper clippings, a hand carved box which could only be opened with precise directions of a puzzle. The box was less then two inches in height and width. A miniature red heart was painted on one side of the box and the palm of a hand was drawn on the opposite side. I also found a miniature zip-lock bag containing tiny gifts which symbolized courage, strength and hope; things I had collected from friends and travels.

The first newspaper clipping told the story about a $150 gas card that Bald Head Island was offering for visitors. However, there was no year listed in the article so I’m certain that article was at least a year old.

Another newspaper clipping told the story about two local professors who had recently been awarded with the highest civilian honor bestowed by the North Carolina Governor: the Order of the Long Leaf Pine award. That article did not list a date but it did include the state toast:

“Here’s to the land of the long leaf pine,
The summer land where the sun doth shine,
Where the weak grow strong and the strong grow great,
Here’s to ‘down home,’ the Old North State!”

I felt as if I had discovered a time capsule which I had buried in my car without premeditation. Each item evoked memories far beyond face value of each individual item.

A few people might say the intrinsic value of my memories is little more than a miniature can of trash. However, the epiphany I experienced as I inventoried my buried treasure was worth more than a pound of rare gemstones.

I confess this recent discovery of tiny memories led me on a path I had traveled before but had forgotten. Memories flooded my mind. “What does all of this mean?” I asked.

I realized the tin container held glimpses of previous opportunities in life, a miniature blueprint.

Again I asked myself, “Why did I bury these items? Why did I stop where and when I did?”

Waiting patiently for a response, I remembered why. My mom had a heart attack on July 25th last year. I now remember the urgency I felt to develop a new course of action in my life after the unexpected hospital emergency.

Dr. David Campbell said it best in his book entitled, “If You Don’t Know Where You’re Going, You’ll Probably End up Somewhere Else,” because I found myself in quite a different place than I had planned. A quote in Dr. Campbell’s book stated, “If you want something to happen, you have to make a space for it.”

Mom’s heart attack stopped me in my tracks, but the severity of her situation encouraged me to consciously make a space for many things I wanted to happen. President Roosevelt was right, “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” It’s never too early to begin looking for your own time capsule in a tin can.


Angela Scott


All writings here are copyrighted by Angela Scott. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.

What a Newspaper Article Taught Me About Life

February 6, 2009

Sorting through books my mom gave to me over 30 years ago, I recently found an article she apparently had clipped out of a newspaper. The newspaper had yellowed with age and its edges were ragged but the words were clear.

I telephoned my mom and asked her about the newspaper clipping. “Yes, that sounds like what I used to do,” she said. With the responsibilities and privileges of a family, mom said she would often place a clipping from the newspaper in a book or magazine she was reading, however, because of life she was continually interrupted before completing what she had begun.

Newspaper articles also catch my attention so I frequently grab a pair of scissors to capture ideas which I collect. Perhaps it is because that is what my mom used to do.

Of course, I do not remember reading this particular article. It begins with a simple question we answer every day, “What is Life?” This list of 16 sentences addressing the challenges and victories in life caught my attention.

Life is a challenge … meet it
Life is a gift … accept it
Life is an adventure … dare it
Life is a sorrow … overcome it
Life is a tragedy … face it
Life is a duty … perform it
Life is a game … play it
Life is a mystery … unfold it
Life is a song … sing it
Life is an opportunity … take it
Life is a journey … complete it
Life is a promise … fulfill it
Life is a beauty … praise it
Life is a struggle … fight it
Life is a goal … achieve it
Life is a puzzle … solve it

~Author unknown

The more I looked at the small, fragile piece of paper I knew it was a classic memory and a succinct story of direction for everyday living to share with others. My guess is that the time you spend reading this story is one of the best investments you can ever make in your life. Change your thoughts and change the direction of your life, if you make the choice to do so.

In a book written by Earl Nightingale entitled “Lead the Field,” he said “…thinking is one of the most challenging things human beings do.” It is easy to watch television and movies, because our minds receive information others have chosen for us, the viewers. We have the privilege of deciding what we want to receive and what we want to give.

Think about the stories in your life and select a story to share with another about the single most important lesson you learned from your experience. The story you share and give to another may be the best gift anyone could ever receive, whether now or in the future.

I thanked mom for one of the best gifts she had unknowingly given to me many years ago that I just recently found.

You can only give away what you already possess. Today is a good day to exercise your “giving muscle” and enrich the life of another with a gift that only you can give. Remember, practice makes permanent.

Angela Scott

All writings here are copyrighted by Angela Scott. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.