“That Story Lady”

Angela Scott, Author – Storyteller – Ventriloquist

How I Learned to Begin an Old Thanksgiving Tradition Today

November 27, 2009

Reading an article in the waiting area recently while my car was being serviced, I found an article about Thanksgiving that described one way to enjoy the holiday that I had not previously thought about. Although the magazine was not familiar to me I eagerly read the article in the November 1947 issue of the “Country Gentleman,” which was only 62 years ago this month.

The author of the article spoke about her friend who would sit by the living room fireplace after the family settled down for the night to write a note of appreciation to the two or three people who had meant most to her during the year.

Her friend’s tradition evoked mental flashbacks in which she shared her own reflections of the happiest home she knew earlier in her life. The details she remembered such as the wintery Sunday afternoons gathered near the fireplace eating popcorn, apples, or fresh baked cookies and milk were vivid and detailed as if the experience had just occurred.

As I sat in that waiting area, I began thinking about the two or three people who meant the most to me this year. Although the article was written several years ago, I felt compelled to implement this old Thanksgiving tradition today.

One of my friends in the New England area is the first person who came to mind. We met at a ventriloquist convention two years ago but when we talk it doesn’t seem like any time has elapsed since we first met.

My second cousin is the next person who came to mind. We met face to face for the first time two years ago at a family reunion. Our friendship has grown exponentially in a short time.

My adopted mother is the next person who came to mind. Even though I am not adopted, I decided to adopt her as my second mom because she has prayed with me and encouraged me during an extremely challenging time in my life.

Of course, there are more than three people who have meant a great deal to me during this year; however, this short list will provide a good beginning point because there is a long list of people who have made a difference in my life.

Rosita Perez, author of the book, “The Music is You,” said she learned to give flowers to people she appreciated while they were alive instead of waiting until it was too late for them to smell the flowers. Before you go to sleep tonight, begin your new Thanksgiving tradition today.


All writings here are copyrighted by Angela Scott. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.

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