“That Story Lady”

Angela Scott, Author – Storyteller – Ventriloquist

Traffic Director for Angel Food Ministries at the River of Life Church – Reggie Gilmore’s Mission

September 14, 2007

I met Reggie, an Electronics Specialist in Greensboro, North Carolina, on Saturday morning, August 25th at the River of Life Church. One of my friends and I decided to take advantage of saving money as well as supporting Angel Food Ministries. Arriving at the church before my friend, I decided to evaluate this moment of unexpected opportunity.

Enthusiastically greeting each driver as they drove into the parking lot at church, Reggie directed participants in the Angel Food Ministries to the proper location for picking up their boxes of food. Smiling with each step as he approached me, I knew this was a story that needed to be shared.

1. What is one thing everyone interested in serving others, saving money and serving God must do?

There is more than just one thing we must do. The Bible tells us that whatever our hands find to do, do it. And whatever we find to do, we should do it with excellence unto the Lord.

2. What is one thing everyone interested in serving others, saving money and serving God must avoid?

The one thing that we must avoid when serving others is complaining, murmuring and grumbling. We are taught that it is more blessed to give than to receive. Serving is our reasonable service.

I recommend the following guidelines:

(1) Serve and look for nothing in return.

(2) Serve to be a blessing to others.

3. Is Angel Food Ministries something that is here to stay?

I certainly hope and pray that is the case. It is beneficial to so many. It is quite sad that Angel Food Ministries is such a well kept secret, until now.

4. Can someone serve successfully as a volunteer in Angel Food Ministries and work too?

Absolutely! I am living proof of that. We all make time for those things we feel are important. Serving others is no different.

5. What has Angel Food Ministries done for you?

I take comfort in knowing this ministry gives me another opportunity to witness through serving.

6. What trend do you currently see in Angel Food Ministries?

No matter what the financial background, everyone is interested in saving money. Angel Food Ministries provides great value for the money and continues to be that avenue.

7. How and when did you first become interested in Angel Food Ministries?

I did not take a specific interest in this program. I was asked to help and I did. I simply had a desire to help. Willing to serve, it did not matter to me how I served or what program I served. I also work to lead by example. In leadership, it is challenging to ask someone to get involved if you never get involved yourself. Leadership stands for leading the ship.


All writings here are copyrighted by Angela Scott. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.

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